Manage and organize your finances is very important for all among the good ones still in school, students, or workers. If you know how to manage your finances properly you will anticipate the whose name extravagance and incurred much debt.
But even though you're pretty good at regulating finance, You could just be wasteful if you're not careful. The following 4 causes of collapse manage money.
1. Don't have a purpose
If you think that you are still young or healthy and feel that you should be having fun while you are at that time. But that perception is absolutely wrong, because if you think like that you will spend your money overboard for the sake of momentary pleasure and does not bring benefits to the future.
Have fun once in a while is indeed a legitimate thing, but you need to manage your finances for the future as well.
2. impulsive spending habits
For example, you're at the grocery store just to buy fruit and other ingredients, and then when you see there is a discount for cosmetic products that are not needed. As it was being discounted, you immediately put it in a bag of shopping.
Another example, when you are stressed because of Office work and vent with a shopping bag or new shoes which are discounts at the Mall, even though it is actually not so need. If you feel impulsive in shopping, try to find out the cause so that it can handle. Try using the shopping needs of the entry so you better be able to brake themselves for not shopping goods beyond the notes.
3. the Environmental guidelines for the ' less ' healthy
Whether Your close friends are the ones who like shopping luxury goods and likes traveling abroad? If Yes, most likely you will be easy to get carried away in their habits are easy to spend money. Depending on your financial condition and mental.
Not everyone has the same financial background. For example, your friends are already wealthy and have lots of money to spend while you yourself do not have much money or mediocre. Should think twice to follow their lifestyle.
4. Lazy and often procrastinate
Lazy and often procrastinate is one of the main causes of why someone is hard to control its expenditure. In addition to lazy to make a commitment amount of money spent each month, some are indeed rather put off savings.
For example, today you already have eaten at the restaurant because of the coincidence of friends invited to eat at the restaurant. Then you promise yourself that from tomorrow will cook and take stock of its own. As it turned out, the next day You wake up late for cooking and finally back eating out with friends. This happens repeatedly until you eventually decided to keep eating in the restaurant. If that way you'll never downsize that there is, in fact, a waste.
Here are some of the causes of failure in managing Your personal finances. Avoid and immediately take the right attitude to resolve it. May be useful.